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For this webquest, your teacher will consider two aspects:  individual work (40%) and group work (40%).


- For the individual mark, your teacher will assess:

.Your participation in developing your specifi task

.Your participation in helping develop your group task

.Your speaking performance during your presentation: preparation, fluency, pronunciation, etc.



- For the group mark, your teacher will assess:

..Your ability to communicate your opinions and work in a group

.The quality of the data in the video presentation.

.The correct use of written English (vocabulary, grammar, spelling,...)

.The correct use of spoken English (pronuntiation, intonation,...)

.The appearance of the video presentation (images, videos,...)




- Besides, you will also have to assess your mates' work using the rubric provided.









The teacher will also consider this as another point in the final mark (10%).




- Moreover, you will have to assess yourself and your team work by filling the following questionaire (Click on the picture to start)










The teacher will also consider this as another point in the final mark (10%).



- At the end of this activity, the class will vote for the best presentation and will choose the country where they would go.

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